About Urbane Wind Turbine Investment
These costs consist of: complete UWT installation including the engineering, safety measures, monitoring, supporting construction, transport and mounting, proof of operation (commissioning) and the...
View ArticleSolar Thermal Power - The Basics
The principles of solar thermal power conversion have been known for more than a century; its commercial scale-up and exploitation, however, has only taken place since the mid 1980s.
View Article10 Good Reasons to Switch to Solar Photovoltaic Electricity
Photovoltaic is emerging as a major power source due to its numerous environmental and economic benefits and proven reliability.
View ArticleWhat Is Recycling?
1800's, Europe and the United States took care of the solid waste problem by dumping, slopping and scavenging.
View ArticleTypes of Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters can be either active or passive. An active system uses an electric pump to circulate the heat-transfer fluid;
View ArticleSolar Energy in Spain
Spain is forging ahead with plans to build concentrating solar power plants, establishing the country and Spanish companies as world leaders in the emerging field.
View ArticleThe Solar PV Value Propostion
Solar photovoltaics (PV) offers the U.S. a material source of high-value energy. It is an attractive part of the U.S. energy portfolio for an array of reasons which include customer value, as well as...
View ArticleHow Wind Turbines Operate?
wind turbine is designed to produce high quality, network frequency electricity whenever enough wind is available. Wind turbines can operate continuously, unattended and with low maintenance with some...
View ArticleRapidly Growing PV Markets
This roadmap envisions a rapid growth of PV power throughout the world in OECD countries as well as in Asia, and at a later stage in Latin America and Africa.
View ArticleThe Complete Guide For Solar Panel Design Systems - Part 1
The initial design is simple yet robust, and is composed of only two elements, a foot and slat. The grooves in the foot component shown in Figure 2 constrain the slats from rotation. A single stainless...
View ArticleThe Complete Guide For Solar Panel Design Systems - Part 2
These first two designs were economically driven, streamlined systems. This next design aims to variably tilt the panels to "follow the sun," which can increase photovoltaic efficiency up to 40 percent.
View ArticleHow Is Electricity Made?
One of the fossil fuels (usually coal) is burned in a power plant to heat water. The hot water turns into steam and forces a machine called a turbine to turn. The turbine powers a generator into...
View ArticleWindow Energy Glossary
Air Leakage Rating: A measure of the ratebof infiltration around a window or skylight in the presence of a strong wind. It is expressed in units of cubic feet per minute per square foot (cfm/ft2) of...
View ArticlePractical Tips To Save On Your Electricity Bill
Electricity is a valuable resource to everyone in our community. Without it, we are simply left in the dark. That is why helping our customers use electricity safely and efficiently is so important.
View Article14 Ways To Save on Your Monthly Electric Bill
About half of your electric bill is a direct reflection of the weather. With spring comes milde temperatures, which usually means lower power bills. But this doesn't mean it is time to stop thinking...
View ArticleHow to Get Off The Grid - Water Turbines
Firstly, getting your own energy from wind power is attractive as it is free once your system is up and running and with a bit of help and research it is doable.
View ArticleThis is the Green Decade?
"MEN" and "WOMAN" both have been equally responsible for each and every revision which took place on our planet. We have destroyed our planet to a great extent and before it's too late we need to think...
View ArticleHow to Build Home Made Use Wind Turbine Generator?
Learn How to Build a Home Wind Turbine Generator. build a home wind turbine generator is the best available. Home made wind generator plans
View ArticleA Wind Turbine For The Home
GREEN POWER: Good news for homeowners: with small wind turbines, you will soon be able to generate your own electric power right out in the backyard. The manufacturers produce the rotor blades using...
View ArticleSolar Cell Basics
Converting solar energy to electricity via photovoltaic cells is one of the most exciting and practical scientific discoveries of the last several hundred years. The use of solar power is far less...
View ArticleWhat Is Geothermal Heat Pumps?
Geothermal heat pumps are viable nationwide. They use the Earth as a heat sink in the summer and a heat source in the winter, and therefore rely on the relative warmth of the earth for their heating...
View ArticleHow Solar Yard Lights Work?
If you have a yard and have ever thought about lighting it at night, then you have probably heard about solar yard lights. They are still pretty expensive, but their advantage is that you don't have to...
View ArticleBenefits of a Geothermal Heat Pump System
Unlike any other heating and cooling system, a geothermal heat pump can provide free hot water. A device called a "desuperheater" transfers excess heat from the heat pump's compressor to the hot water...
View ArticleTesting Solar Cells
Solar cells are tested by the manufacturer with artificial light under what is called AM1 conditions. AM stands for air mass. Air mass is the amount of air the photons have to travel through before...
View ArticleWhat are the two basic types of towers for wind turbines?
The kind you have to climb. If you (or a friend, or a professional wind turbine installer) don't mind high climbing and know the necessary safety precautions, harnesses, and knots, a lattice tower with...
View ArticleOff The Grid Solar Panels - Homemade Solar Panels and the Off-Grid Lifestyle
Solar energy is one of the solutions to the energy crisis as it is renewable and has no environmental hazards. Thus, we investigated the dye sensitized solar cell aiming at introducing a clean and...
View ArticleFuel Cells For Electricity And Heat
Imagine, for a moment, a world where fossil fuels are no longer burned to generate power, heat and light. A world no longer threatened by global warming or geopolitical conflict in the Middle East. A...
View ArticleMake Your Own Biodiesel Part 1
Vegetable oil is much more viscous (thicker) than either petro-diesel or biodiesel. The purpose of mixing it or blending it with other fuels is to lower the viscosity to make it thinner so that it...
View ArticleMake Your Own Biodiesel Part 2
Anybody can make biodiesel. It's easy, you can make it in your kitchen -- and it's BETTER than the petro-diesel fuel the big oil companies sell you. Your diesel motor will run better and last longer on...
View ArticleAlcoholic Fuels An Overview
In the 1880s, Henry Ford developed a prototype automobile (the quadracycle) that could be operated with ethanol as fuel. Historians say that Ford always believed that the Model T and his future cars...
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